Psychic & Mediumship News
Whats The Difference? Psychic Verses Mediumship Readings
Whats The Difference? Psychic Verses Mediumship Readings
Psychic Energy
The best way to describe Psychic is “All things earth bound”. Our soul energy, auric field, the memories of events in a specific place in time.
Working on the principle that we are “Powerful Spiritual Beings”, we come to the earth plane with the intention to learn certain lessons and/or perform specific duties to assist others. Our soul knows why we have come when our physical mind often does not. Therefore, tapping into this intelligence in some way can be very comforting and enlightening to those who feel lost on their journey. Being nudged onto the correct path again can feel so right and such a relief if done correctly. This can be accomplished by either connecting to the information yourself via a form of meditation for example. Or a psychic or medium should be able to do it for you if they are trained in the area of Soul Readings.
Naturally, past, present and future are stored within the soul too. Always remember we have free will which can alter the path by the choices made. These paths are also there as options, however, the reader may not always pick up on them. A psychic reading can only give guidelines based on the decisions made so far.
This same information can also be omitted into the auric field. Much like turning a light bulb on which will shine light into the space around it. Readings from the auric energy can have different information to say a tarot or angel card reading. With so much information available, the intention of the reader should be to bring forward the answers to the seeker/sitter that will be most beneficial at the moment in time.
I liken soul readings and auric field readings for those who have temporarily strayed from their intended path like to being presented with a ball of wall with multiple colours knotted up in it. My job is to pull the different strands out one by one and lay them before the sitter in order. They can make sense and order of their tangled emotions and create a plan of action from there.
Tarot, angel or any other forms of oracle cards can serve to allow the universal intelligence to guide the reader in the areas required. Some psychics say they see their guides or angels working with them. The reading does not become a mediumship reading until loved ones of the sitter are present and bringing information in (more about that in a moment).
Its important to remember that a psychic reading is merely offering guidance. You are the boss of your own destiny and should remain in your power. Psychics can be wrong. You can make different life choices which will change the course of your journey of learning. The messages you receive in a psychic reading are not coming from your loved ones in spirit. Be aware of the reader stating “and they are telling me”, who is telling them? Bear in mind too that not all psychics are necessarily trained. I have been shocked over the years by the number of people I have come across who have simply brought a deck of cards of some sort and then put themselves out there spouting out any old rubbish, frightening their sitters to death and taking ridiculous amounts of money for the privilege. Recommendations are best. Check reviews. Be aware of how vulnerable your feeling at the time of your sitting. Don’t part with large sums of money or request sittings every week.
Mediumship readings
So just as the psychic reading was all things earth bound,(the incarnate spirit) the mediumship reading are all things not earth bound (the discarnate spirit).
There are many psychics out there and it takes time to know if a reading was accurate because of the predictive nature of the sitting. However, mediumship readings are a completely different kettle of fish. In mediumship, the medium must give accurate “Soul Survival Evidence“. These are what I call the “Golden Nuggets”. Those things about your loved ones who have now passed to the spirit world, that you KNOW its them. I love the moments when the jaw of my sitter drops. In that moment they are thinking ” how did she know that” and “OMG its really my loved one” Good evidence is not only vital to a good mediumship reading, its amazing and mind blowing for everyone involved. The spirit world never cease to amaze me with whats possible by way of awesome evidence. And the details of poor reading will be hard to recall into the future, whereas those golden nuggets will be remembered for a lifetime.
So what exactly is good evidence?. These can be slightly more generic things like, height, build, colour of hair or eyes, age of passing etc. Passing conditions are more specific. If a cancer was the cause, then what cancer?, where in the body was the primary?. What were the experiences of that illness can be much more specific information. Was it sudden or a difficult and painful time that was drawn out over many years? for example. Although not nice to recall these difficult times, it can make for some amazing evidence.
There are many personal details that can be offered as “Good Evidence”. Favourite meal. Hobbies or sports. Children. Cars. Job/occupation. Special skills. Even favourite sweet can be a clincher in a sitting. I have often had a sitter say “Yes that’s her or him” simply by the sweet they loved. Nan’s amazing cakes she made, especially the lemon drizzle can be very heart warming to the sitter who remembers those cakes with great fondness and happy memories associated to precious time together.
Mediumship readings can serve on many levels. The goodbye that wasn’t possible for whatever reason, or even better a “hello, I am fine and watching over you. I love the shoes you brought yesterday though you gave the assistant a hard time” Simply I am still alive but just not in a way you can understand at this moment is so so powerful.
We are all together again in the end is such a comforting message. Who they are with and have met up with other members of the family and dear friends is a comforting thought for those left behind too. They can also tell us “What they are doing now” on some occasions. They could be happily on the golf course or swimming in the sea they loved. Even walking the dog who also passed and was missed every day. Love is never parted, it just changes how it exists and connects. Energy doesn’t dissipate, it just changes how and what it energizes. It is hard to imagine time with no start or end just as it is hard to imagine the universe and beyond with no boundaries. These are the limitations of our physical minds. Ask your soul to reach out to beyond and forever and it has no problem because it knows its origins. It knows it is a part of the whole, part of everything. This illusion of individuality has blurred lines. We need to be ourselves with all the amazing and precious gifts we bring with us, yes of course. But we also need to be part of the whole. Connected to everything, which is our truth if we did but know it. Just like a water droplet can be a droplet, or become part of a vast ocean.
So, if your loved ones in the spirit realm are part of the whole just like you, then there is no reason why you cant be connected to communicate and love each other, just as before. A good mediumship reading should leave you feeling emotional (we get through a lot of tissues in my sittings) and comforting to of been in the presence of our loved ones. They can give invaluable guidance to your current challenges. They can also give you a heads up of upcoming things. I personally do not deliver messages that may cause my sitter to worry or be anxious. Death days or the like are not part of my intention (although I am occasionally asked). I choose to aim for Upliftment and enlightenment. Even a heads up can be delivered with the reassurance that you will come out the other side in tact, or even better off. The responsibility of the message is so important for any reader of any kind.
It is very true to say there are many psychics out there who do not have the gift or training of mediumship. Many mediums are also psychic, hence the term psychic medium. After much deliberation I I choose to call myself a Spiritual Medium and Psychic but each to their own.
Readings can be dovetailed with Psychic and Mediumship information. Indeed its quite common for people to ask for ” A bit of both”. I often find that the information given in mediumship is more accurate than a purely psychic reading. The way i visualize it is, psychic information is given from ground level and its difficult to see into the distance because of the limitations of the horizon blocking the view. Whereas, our loved ones in the spirit world are on top of a mountain and can see far into the distance with nothing blocking their view. I also feel they are privy to files such as our Akashic records which contain all the information of our souls journey. No wonder their guidance proves to be more accurate than a psychic reading from ground level.
Public demonstrations
Hopefully the above will help you to make better judgments on how the person on stage in a church, hall or pub is working. To be clear, Mediums are not allowed to work on the psychic level in Spiritualist Churches, especially if affiliated with a governing body like SNU (Spiritualist National Union). This operates out of Stanstead Hall and is known as The Arthur Findlay College. Here is a link to their website if you would like to learn more about the centre
So in summary, a psychic reading is all things earth bound. (life guidance)
A mediumship reading is connection and evidential information with the spirit world. (spirit communication and soul survival evidence.)
I must point out in closing that this blog represents my views and opinions according to my journey of learning thus far. Someone else may have an entirely different take on things. I keep it simple, no 5th plus dimensions, just here and there, it works for me.
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Alexandra x
One Comment
Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.