Psychic & Mediumship News
What does a psychic or mediumship reading involve?
What does a psychic or mediumship reading involve?
I am often asked this question so I thought it might be useful to provide an overview here at The Spirit Shop.
Firstly, everyone works differently. We may be tutored differently (if at all) and we will have our own unique strengths. Ideally you will find someone who is on your wavelength or has been recommended and provides the information you are looking for.
Secondly, there are many different types of readings, psychic, mediumship, soul, angel card, trance,runes and so on.
Psychic energy is “All things earth bound, energy wise” so a psychic reading will be LIFE GUIDANCE, past, present and future, its all about YOU and your life force.
It can be predictive, so you may not know some aspects of the reading are accurate until some time later. Psychic readings may also include cards of some description or soul readings.
Some psychics may ask to hold a piece of jewellery so they can pick up the vibration or energy from it to help them link, this is called Psychometry. This tends to be used by novices who are still learning to link or people who have just never developed further so as to not need this aid.
Mediumship is linking with energies in “the spirit world” these would be in simple terms, those who have passed over, passed away, deceased or how ever you refer to death. The aim of a mediumship reading is to prove the survival of the soul and that indeed they are very much alive, just not as we understand life here in the physical world.
In mediumship the medium should provide specific details regarding the persons physical characteristics, height, age, size, colour of eyes, teeth (own or otherwise). Character or personality. Likes, dislikes, favourite food, family members, pets. Passing condition, relationship to the sitter and so on. The more specific the detail even down to personal mannerisms, the better. You should know by the “evidence provided” that this is indeed your loved one, friend or who ever comes through. If you have a specific need, there are no guarantees that the person you want will be able to connect but you can always ask for them if it is looking like they are not connecting. Thankfully, I am always pleased when they connect early on in the sitting and it can help if you have sent out the though before your sitting for them to come through. Some mediums may work from pictures, this is called photo-psychometry. It can be used as an invitation to the loved one to come and join you in the sitting.I am able to do this but prefer to describe the loved one without any prompts as I feel this is more powerful evidence. To see the picture after the sitting can be very interesting too.
In my experience, the more you loved each other, the better and stronger the link as these connections are all possible because of love links. You may successfully get a relative you never knew, as they will know you from the spirit world but often someone distant in relationship can be a weaker link. They can however come in at the start of a sitting to be helpers for those who have passed over more recently.
Be prepared for the spirit world to give you what you NEED from the reading and not necessarily what you WANT. Never underestimate the intelligence of the spirit world (or universe). To sit mindfully waiting for your pet name to be called and dismissing all the rich detail that is forthcoming will only leave you feeling disappointed. Check your expectations and remember that to be able to bring the spirit world forward at all is somewhat of a miracle in itself. We are after all, connecting with energies in a different dimension. I am not saying pet names or THAT SPECIFIC WORD are not possible, I am just saying remain open to the process and then you will not block the process in any way and will get more out of the experience.
Be advised that where as many mediums are also psychic, there are also many psychic who are not mediums. Be clear on the ability/ies available before booking your sitting.
Soul Readings
A soul reading is to connect with your very essence, your life force. You came into a physical vessel with your life purpose in your soul energy and your truth lies there. People often become disconnected with this information and can feel lost, empty, sad.
By connecting with your soul energy, guidance can be provided to help the sitter get back onto the correct path and go on to live a richer, more fulfilled life of joy and serenity.
The process of a soul reading is to merely put your truth on the table in front of you so that you can reconnect with it and go forth with renewed clarity. Sometimes a simple tweak is all that is needed. For others it may involve a major life overhaul and facing ones truth of what is making them unhappy in their lives may be difficult but is ultimately rewarding once corrected.
It never ceases to amaze me how may people are “Sleep walking” their way through their lives, going through the motions, such a waste of a beautiful gift in my opinion. We chose to come here because it is so beautiful, so it is a shame to not make the most of it.
Oracle Angel Cards or Angel Tarot
I personally nowadays only work with angel cards, both oracle and tarot. I worked with basic tarot many years ago but I now prefer the energies of angel cards.
Doreen Virtue created a beautiful deck with Radleigh Valentine. She said that she went through the basic tarot deck and discarded all of the ones she did not like the energies of, she was left with only 8. I use the deck she created with Radleigh as a result and find they give a beautifully uplifting reading.
I also use other Oracle decks which work in different ways and I am guided to use them as required during a sitting. I may combine them with mediumship, allowing the spirit communicator to influence the information or I may simply work on the psychic level. It is amazing just how accurate the readings can be.
My personal preference is to use my own abilities to give information first and then do a spread with cards which then repeat the messages just given. I liken this to the format of the news. “Tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them, tell them what you told them”. A double whammy of the same message can be very powerful and lodges in the sitters mind with more impact.
I hope this overview has helped you to understand a little more about what a reading involves. If you are interested in booking in with me for a sitting, you may wish to read my reviews on Facebook before going ahead. Here is a link to my page. You may need to copy and paste it into your browser.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Hi I saw you at the Red Lion the other night and was impressed, I used to be part of a circle with a lady called Rose in Oaks Cross, quite a few years ago, and she wanted me to take it up and go with her to the churches but I was too busy with my children and work etc, I haven’t been able to have any real sightings for a while now, that’s why I was thinking about seeing you for a reading to see how it goes.
Alexandra Fellowes
Hi Paul
Thank you for this lovely feedback and I am pleased the demonstration was successful. I felt we had some lovely evidence come through. If Rose was a blond lady then I remember her from church at The Whomerley. It will be my pleasure to sit for you and I also tutor and have a closed circle and also a workshop coming up on 19th March you might be interested in. I have replied to your text but do let me know if you would like to book in or have a chat. Best regards Alexandra