Psychic & Mediumship News
What Do We Do With The Ashes?
What Do We Do With The Ashes?
This is a question that comes up in many readings. Loved ones often feel a great sense of responsibility in getting this right for their loved ones who have passed to the spirit world. Sometimes last wishes are know but often they are not. This can create a dilemma for those left behind.
The truth is, it needn’t be a problem at all. The spirit world have told me countless times when I have been working with my gift of mediumship, that quite honestly, they don’t care. They have moved on to a great state of conciseness and are aware that their physical bodies were merely a vessel in which to reside in during their time here on the earth plane. They are done with it and feel no attachment.
It is possible however for them to still connect with how we are feeling. So send up your love as you think of them with beautiful memories that were created in your time together. These along with the love created between you, like any other form of energy will never die. Its simply changes how it exists. True, you can no longer hug and walk together.
You can however, think of them and talk to them in your mind. I promise you, they hear you. If you sit still for a moment, you can hear them back. You don’t need to be a medium to connect with the spirit world. The ability to be “one” is who we truly are, so I believe we can all connect if we can be still long enough to shift our awareness. Loved ones come to visit from the spirit realm when we sleep for this very reason.
So, with that all in mind, our loved ones would like us to do with their remains whatever gives a feeling of peace, closure and serenity. Its that simple.
They know we will all be together again, and they want you to be OK in the meantime.
There are alternative options to scattering. You can have ashes turned into a piece of jewellery. Think about what is right for you and then just do it.
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